Have a Coffee with…Conor Pendlebury

Name: Conor Pendlebury


Job Title: Service Delivery Team Leader


How long have you worked with us?

5 years


Tell us a little bit about your role please

I coordinate the heart and soul of the company, the service delivery team. We take orders from A to B to ensure our customers are delivered efficiently and with that excellent customer service we are proud of.


Give us the highlights tour of your career to date

I started in Digiweb as a Tech Support Agent back in 2018. 11 months later, I was promoted to a role in Viatel where I have been managing the Field Operations team (our in-house radio team). This year, I moved over to service delivery to continue developing the team given the growth in our business.


What do you love most about working with Viatel?

I love the company culture and what we stand for. We all have that motivation in the company to dig down and get a problem resolved or meet a deadline.


Describe yourself in three words

Determined, adaptable and ambitious.


Tell us something we don’t know about you

I’m a big Liverpool fan and that 7 nil was just too good not to write here.


